Winter Wonder
It’s been an incredibly busy time during the winter at Pentlands Nursing home in Worthing. Though the temperatures drop and the nights draw in, that doesn’t stop the brilliant team at Pentlands from putting on some great events and activities for our wonderful residents.
Harvest Service
Residents enjoyed the Harvest Service – kindly put on by one of our residents’ sons. Staff and relatives took part in some readings and sang songs. We also collected food parcels to give to our local food bank.
More stimulating than a coffee, it’s therapy Dog Mocha!
Mocha’s owner Rachel brings this beautiful therapy dog to the home nearly every month. Mocha is a pedigree Springer Spaniel, who comes from very good stock (her dad is a previous winners of Crufts). More than that though, she is incredibly friendly and gentle and our residents simply adore spending time with her. Judging by the tail wagging the feeling is mutual!
From therapy Dogs to therapy of the musical variety
Louis Armstrong once said that “Music is life itself” and it can certainly stir the soul and none more so than live music. That was certainly the case when Sarah visited to play the violin to a captivated group of our residents in the lounge. Many of them sat with their eyes closed, transported elsewhere by the music, while others sang along.
Cheese and Wine
In October residents and their families came together for our Cheese and Wine Tasting afternoon. Not only did we get to sample some wonderful cheeses, there was even a quiz to put their knowledge to the test. An educational as well as tasty way to spend an afternoon.
Arts and Crafts
At Pentlands we’re lucky to have a brilliantly creative group of residents who love to get stuck into all thing’s arts and crafts. Recently we’ve had a great time carving pumpkins and flower arranging. Not only is it a great way to let residents creative talents run free, it’s also a fantastic chance to work together as a team.
Oh yes they did…
In the build up to Christmas we were lucky enough to a theatre troupe come into the home and perform Red Riding Hood for the residents. It was a great way to spend the afternoon and the performers really did put on a show with plenty of audience participation. It certainly helped to kick off the Christmas period with a bang. To find out more about our full Christmas program go here.