Residential Home Activities – Rookwood and Fernbank
It’s been a busy time in all of our homes but particular mention must go to two of our homes; Rookwood Residential Care Home in Burgess Hill and Fernbank Residential Home in Worthing
Rookwood Residential Care Home, Burgess Hill
For the Red Nose Day appeal this year staff and residents at our residential home in Burgess Hill, Rookwood, pulled out all the stops. On the day they all wore red in exchange for a donation but most impressive of all was that our lovely residents raised money by doing laps of the garden ovwer two weeks. In all they did 100 laps which is a fantastic achievement – talk about getting your steps in! Not only was it a great way to for our residents to stay active – it was also a great way to raise money – £95 in total to go to a great cause.
The fundraising didn’t stop there, as staff and residents collected food for the Burgess Hill Pantry a local community group run by volunteers who do amazing work supporting families in Mid Sussex.
A massive well done and thank you to the residents and staff at Rookwood – great work!
Fernbank Residential Care Home
Residential Home Activities continued at Fernbank Residential Home in Worthing.
It was a case of teamwork makes the dream work for staff and residents at two of our homes recently. Residents from two of our homes, Fernbank Residential Home and The Poets Nursing Home in Worthing, came together for a battle of the minds in a quiz. Staff were tight lipped as to who came out on top only saying that “the teams were evenly matched”. Whatever the result, everyone had a great time and it’s always good to exercise the brain as well as the body. Well done all.
Ten Pin Bowling
Not content with a workout for the brain some of our residents got the ball rolling with a trip to the bowling alley in Worthing recently. You could here a pin drop as everyone took the game very seriously and all were in the frame to win right to the end. As you can see from the photos everyone had a ball and it’s just one example of the many activities and events which are organised by our brilliant activities’ teams in all our homes here at South Coast Nursing Homes.
Special shout out to the catering team at Fernbank too who rewarded all this hard work with some delicious home-made cheese scones. Delicious!